News/Media Centre


January 2011
The Meeting of the Board of Directors of Milkiland N.V.

Kiev, 26 January 2011 – The Board of Directors of Milkiland N.V. (the “Company”) on its first meeting after the Company’s IPO on the  Warsaw Stock Exchange (the “WSE”) held at 25 January 2011 discussed a number of matters in connection with corporate governance, remuneration of the management, activity plans for the current year, and adopted the following:

December 2010
Antimonopoly Commitee of Ukraine fined DE “Milkiland Ukraine”

Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine fined DE “Milkiland Ukraine”

December 2010
Компанія Мілкіленд дебютувала на Варшавській фондовій біржі

Один з найбільших диверсифікованих виробників молочної продукції на ринку СНД – компанія Мілкіленд дебютувала на Варшавській фондовій біржі, яка включила до лістингу та почала торгівлю акціями компанії під тікером MLK.

November 2010
Milkiland: price of shares in the offering set at PLN 33.78

Kiev, Amsterdam, and Warsaw, 26th November 2010

November 2010
Milkiland N.V. announces intention to conduct an Initial Public Offering and to list on the Warsaw Stock Exchange

Milkiland, a leading diversified dairy producer operating in the CIS, one of the largest and dynamic dairy markets globally, today announces its intention to conduct an initial public offering and to seek admission to list its shares on the main market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange.