News/Media Centre


December 2012
Dragon Capital published the recommendations on Milkiland N.V. shares in “Agriculture in Ukraine” Equity Research

Dragon Capital in its recently distributed Equity Research “Agriculture in Ukraine.

October 2012
Milkiland starts the reconstruction of “Ostrowia”

Milkiland plans to start the reconstruction of “Ostrowia” cheese plant facilities in November 2012.

September 2012
Milkiland welcomes investors at Mena cheese plant

On Thursday, 20 September 2012, Milkiland welcomed a group of 15 Polish and European investors at Mena cheese plant in Chernigiv oblast of Ukraine.

September 2012
Rospotrebnadzor approved 5 Ukrainian laboratories to control the safety of cheese to be supplied to Russian Federation

According to Federal Service on Customers’ Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance (Rospotrebnadzor) 5 Ukrainian laboratories (3 in Kiyv and other 2 in Poltava and Cherkassy regions respectively) were certified by Rospotrebnadzor for testing  cheese supplied to Russian Federation.

August 2012
Dragon Capital updated the recommendations on Milkiland N.V. shares based at the results of acquisition in Poland

Dragon Capital in its recently distributed Equity Research “M&A in Poland Completed Ahead of Schedule” reconfirmed “Buy” recommendation and set a 12-month target price of PLN 25.95 (USD 7.79) per Milkiland N.V. share (42% upside).